.. _CGATInstallationOSX: ================= OS X installation ================= This section describes the installation process on OS X. The installation below has been tested on a MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.5. Begin by installing `homebrew `_ by following these `instructions `_ Next, install various packages:: brew install mysql brew install gfortran brew install freetype brew install Mercurial brew install python --with-brewed-openssl Install the R package from `here `_ and bedtools_:: wget http://bedtools.googlecode.com/files/BEDTools.v2.17.0.tar.gz tar -xvzf http://bedtools.googlecode.com/files/BEDTools.v2.17.0.tar.gz cd bedtools-2.17.0/ make cp bin/* /usr/local/bin/ Next install and set up a virtual environment:: pip install virtualenv CGAT depends on numerous other python packages not all of which might install cleanly. Here, we give some more detailed instructions. Generally we recommend when troubleshooting CGAT installation to do so within a virtual environment. To create a clean environment, type:: virtualenv --no-site-packages cgat-python source cgat-python/bin/activate Now, download the list of required packages:: wget https://raw.github.com/CGATOxford/cgat/master/requires.txt To install the required basic packages:: pip install -r requires.txt Also, bx-python needs to be installed. The current version on pypi is currently out of date, so to install, do:: pip install https://bitbucket.org/james_taylor/bx-python/get/tip.tar.bz2 If all of that works, installing the CGAT tools should now be straight-forward:: pip install cgat