Orthologs.py - tools to deal with Leo’s orthology pipeline.

Date:December 09, 2013

remove genes that are

transcripts from BDGP and genes from ENSEMBL.

If only BDGP genes are present, keep them.


from a list of transcripts get genes.

Orthologs.ReadInterpretation(infile, separator, genome1=None, genome2=None, filter_restrict_genes1={}, filter_restrict_genes2={}, filter_remove_transcripts1={}, filter_remove_transcripts2={}, filter_restrict_transcripts1={}, filter_restrict_transcripts2={})

read interpretation file.

Orthologs.ReadOrphans(infile, separator, genome1=None, genome2=None, filter_restrict_genes1={}, filter_restrict_genes2={}, filter_remove_transcripts1={}, filter_remove_transcripts2={}, filter_restrict_transcripts1={}, filter_restrict_transcripts2={})

read interpretation file.


cluster orthologs by genes.

if an orthologous cluster contains the same genes in either species, they are merged.

Orthologs.GetDegeneracy(t1, t2)

get degeneracy of orthology assignments.

given are two lists of transcripts. returns a tuple with gene and transcript degeneracy code, respectively.

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