Assessing CpG content in long non-coding RNA promotersΒΆ

The description of pervasive transcription across many mammalian genomes has sparked an interest in the role of long non-coding RNAs in diverse biological systems. Transcripts derived from non-coding loci have been shown to be important in a number of different processes including development and cancer. However, some features that are normally associated with protein coding genes are not observed in lncRNAs e.g they are less conserved. Protein coding gene promoters have a characteristically high GC content and CpG density. But do lncRNAs display the same bias in their promoters? In this example we show you how to use CGAT tools to answer this question. We will be using:

Our initial input file is a gtf formatted file containing genomic coordinates and annotations for a set of lncRNAs - lncRNA.gtf.gz. We can compute the GC and CpG composition using a single command line statement using multiple CGAT tools. However, as described in Quickstart, we require an CGAT indexed genome as input to both and The first step is therefore to create the indexed genome.

In our example our lncRNA transcript models are from an RNA-seq experiment in human cells. We can index the human hg19 reference genome by downloading the fasta formatted genome from the UCSC website and running

wget | hg19 > hg19.log

We can then use this indexed genome as additional input when required. The code to generate a table with GC content and CpG composition looks like:

zcat lncRNA.gtf.gz
| --sort=gene
| --merge-transcripts
| --genome-file=hg19 --method=promotors -p 1500 --sort
| --genome-file=hg19
| --section=cpg
| gzip
> lncRNA_cpg.tsv.gz

The above commands in turn (1) sorts the input file by gene identifier, (2) merges transcripts that have the same gene identifier, (3) produces a set of lncRNA promoters 1.5Kb upstream of the lncRNA transcription start sites (using --method=promotors in combination with -p 1500), (4) converts gff formatted promoters into bed format, (5) retrieves sequences from the human hg19 reference genome for lncRNA promoter intervals and (5) outputs statistics related to nucleotide composition including CpG content (specified with the --section=cpg option). The output file lncRNA_cpg.tsv.gz will be a tab-delimited text file which will look like:

id nC nG nA nT nN nUnk nGC nAT nCpG pC pG pA pT pN pUnk pGC pAT pCpG CpG_ObsExp
ENSG00000224969.1 chr1:948573..950073 (+) 423 518 277 282 0 0 941 559 71 0.282000 0.345333 0.184667 0.188000 0.000000 0.000000 0.627333 0.372667 0.094667 0.486048
NONCO170 chr1:33464145..33465645 (+) 418 396 359 327 0 0 814 686 37 0.278667 0.264000 0.239333 0.218000 0.000000 0.000000 0.542667 0.457333 0.049333 0.335291
NONCO195 chr1:87239820..87241320 (+) 354 294 425 427 0 0 648 852 13 0.236000 0.196000 0.283333 0.284667 0.000000 0.000000 0.432000 0.568000 0.017333 0.187363
NONCO55 chr1:108591390..108592890 (+) 296 323 471 410 0 0 619 881 9 0.197333 0.215333 0.314000 0.273333 0.000000 0.000000 0.412667 0.587333 0.012000 0.141202
NONCO59 chr1:111181220..111182720 (+) 270 380 452 398 0 0 650 850 9 0.180000 0.253333 0.301333 0.265333 0.000000 0.000000 0.433333 0.566667 0.012000 0.131579
NONCO215 chr1:120190857..120192357 (+) 350 415 384 351 0 0 765 735 62 0.233333 0.276667 0.256000 0.234000 0.000000 0.000000 0.510000 0.490000 0.082667 0.640275
NONCO66 chr1:121117751..121119251 (+) 374 313 340 473 0 0 687 813 16 0.249333 0.208667 0.226667 0.315333 0.000000 0.000000 0.458000 0.542000 0.021333 0.205020
NONCO69 chr1:144569176..144570676 (+) 233 299 498 470 0 0 532 968 21 0.155333 0.199333 0.332000 0.313333 0.000000 0.000000 0.354667 0.645333 0.028000 0.452151
NONCO70 chr1:144592229..144593729 (+) 382 382 361 375 0 0 764 736 53 0.254667 0.254667 0.240667 0.250000 0.000000 0.000000 0.509333 0.490667 0.070667 0.544804

The --section option specifies that we want to include statistics on CpG composition in the output. Alternative options include:


As the output is in tab separated format it is straight-forward to load into statistical/plotting software such as R and perform further downstream analysis.

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