- general purpose iterators.

Date:December 09, 2013

A collection of useful, general purpose iterators.

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Iterators.sample(iterable, sample_size=None)

sample # copies from iterator without replacement.

Stores a temporay copy of the items in iterable. The function has thus a possibly high memory footprint and long pre-processing time to yield the first element.

If sample_size is not given, the iterator returns elements in random order ( see random.shuffle() )

Iterators.group_by_distance(iterable, distance=1)

group integers into non-overlapping intervals that are at most distance apart.

>>> list( group_by_distance( (1,1,2,4,5,7) ) )
[(1, 3), (4, 6), (7, 8)]
>>> list( group_by_distance( [] ) )
>>> list( group_by_distance( [3] ) )
[(3, 4)]
>>> list( group_by_distance( [3,2] ) )
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: iterable is not sorted: 2 < 3

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